Enrol your child in Hot Shots Tennis in 2 easy steps
Find a coach and book in your first session
- Enter your postcode to find a nearby Hot Shots location
- Get in touch with a coach
- Book & pay
Come back & Sign up to Join the Hot Shots Crew
Once your child is booked in their first session, click ‘Join the Crew’ to have your child be part of the Crew and unlock great rewards
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We’re thrilled to have you part of the crew! Keep an eye on your emails to stay up to date about excited news and other useful information.
Why should your child join the Hot Shots Crew?
Even if you find a coach and book your child’s first Hot Shots Tennis session, your child will not be part of the crew yet. Click below and fill in the form to make sure your child can access exclusive benefits for FREE!
Join the crew Exclusive benefits
Fun With Friends!
Ready to get started?
Find a local tennis club near you and start your kids on their Hot Shots Tennis journey today.